
Katrina & Rob – Warriewood Beach – Mona Vale Headland & Beach – Narrabeen SLSC

Katrina & Rob choose Warriewood Beach for their ceremony location and it’s a fantastic spot. It’s a nice private beach without the usual Northern Beaches crowds and has lovely views north to Mona Vale Headland. The ceremony went very well and they even managed to get a flower girl who had developed a sudden phobia of sand to be involved! It ended with them walking down the aisle in a great shower of rose petals that looks amazing in the photos!

We did some shots with the bridal party on Warriewood Beach before heading to Mona Vale Headland first and Beach second. Everyone had a great time and the view from the Headland is quite spectacular – I still think you’d be mad to handglide off it!!

The reception was at Narrabeen SLSC or Narrabeach and again the rose petals looked amazing. The celebrant was Danielle DuBois. Congrats guys!

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Photographer based in Sydney, Australia.

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