
Sarah & Mark – St Stephen’s Church Newtown – Gold Room L’Aqua Cockle Bay

My first wedding of the second half of 2012 and what a fantastic way to start with Sarah & Mark! It was a wonderful day and Sydney turned on a real cracker weather wise – so nice to get some spring weather so early.

I started with Sarah’s preparations at home then off to St Stephen’s Church in Newtown. It’s a beautiful church and the ceremony started with two flower girls and a page boy who did a great job. Roger is the minister at St Stephen’s and was outstanding at guiding the ceremony and making everyone very welcome.

St Stephen’s is a great spot for some location photos then we headed into the city to Hyde Park and the Rocks area. Sunset in August is around 5.30pm so you lose the light fairly early – we made the most of it and still had time for night shots around L’Aqua and Cockle Bay.

The bridal party was a great group and we had lot of fun on the day. Thanks to everyone for a great day! Visit my main website here – McKay Wedding Photography Sydney

Cars: Broadway Wedding Cars (highly recommended)  Flowers: Best Buds Reception: Gold Room L’Aqua

Sarah's beautiful wedding dress st stephens newtown

Sarah's beautiful wedding dress

st stephens newtownl aqua wedding l'aqua st stephens newtownl aqua wedding l'aqua Love the classic veil shot st stephens newtown

Love the classic veil shot

The girls! st stephens newtown

The girls!

The boys! st stephens newtown

The boys!

st stephens newtownl aqua wedding l'aqua Sarah arrives at St Stephens in Newtown st stephens newtown

Sarah arrives at St Stephens in Newtown

st stephens newtownl aqua wedding l'aqua st stephens newtownl aqua wedding l'aqua st stephens newtownl aqua wedding l'aqua st stephens newtownl aqua wedding l'aqua A shot of St Stephens from the loft st stephens newtown

A shot of St Stephens from the loft

Great smiles! st stephens newtown

Great smiles!

The bridal party st stephens newtown

The bridal party

Love the light flare in this shot st stephens newtown

Love the light flare in this shot

st stephens newtownl aqua wedding l'aqua st stephens newtownl aqua wedding l'aqua st stephens newtownl aqua wedding l'aqua st stephens newtownl aqua wedding l'aqua st stephens newtownl aqua wedding l'aqua The bridal party at Hyde Park st stephens newtown

The bridal party at Hyde Park

st stephens newtownl aqua wedding l'aqua st stephens newtownl aqua wedding l'aqua Laughs at the Rocks st stephens newtown

Laughs at the Rocks

st stephens newtownl aqua wedding l'aqua Sorry Mark - you look so beautiful I had to include this one :) st stephens newtown

Sorry Mark - you look so beautiful I had to include this one 🙂

st stephens newtownl aqua wedding l'aqua The view from L'Aqua at sunset st stephens newtown

The view from L'Aqua at sunset

Night shots around Cockle Bay st stephens newtown

Night shots around Cockle Bay

st stephens newtownl aqua wedding l'aqua Night view from L'Aqua st stephens newtown

Night view from L'Aqua

by at .

Photographer based in Sydney, Australia.

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